Joint Solutions,
JS Medical Associates,
& JS Evaluations
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember.
Involve me and I learn.
~Benjamin Franklin
Have temporary staffing needs? Let us support your practice with a provider, nurse, or behavioral health professional during your transitions.
Multi-dimensional wellness plans are formulated that incorporate nutritional health, physical health, emotional wellness, mental wellness, financial literacy, and intellect.
DOT Exams
We have partnered with Page Logistics, LLC to determine how we can offer supportive services to people in the transportation industry. We offer specialty programs, extended coverage hours, and discounts to these essential workers.
Substance Abuse Counseling and Treatment
There is often a stigma associated with substance abuse and we strive to create a safe and nonjudgmental environement . We offer treatment and counseling services for the entire family
Veterans Exams
We appreciate the selfless service of our veterans and serve as an evaluation site with accommodations to ensure that they are comfortable.
Pre-employment, employment, yearly wellness exams, school, and sports physicals offered daily. Discount given if scheduled at least two days in advance.
Medical Record Review
Feel like you need a second opinion? Just not sure what it all means? We can assist you with reviewing medical records and care continuity.
Gap Care
Out of your medication and traveling? We offer a 30 day one time refill for chronic disease medications to treat conditions such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension with verifiable records.
Covid Testing
The COVID-19 pandemic is still very real and we continue to do our part by offering EMERGENCY RESPONSE. Contact for testing, supportive treatment, and counseling. Park and call options available.
Pre-Op Clearance
Was your scheduled surgery moved up due to a cancellation? We can get your pre-operative clearance done with a quick turnaround. Some limitations with med complex patients.
Cosmetic Surgery Clearance
Having a face lift or liposuction last minute? Let us help you to quickly prepare.
Employee Assistance Program
We partner with employers to provide free and voluntary services to their staff. Services can include counseling, referrals, assessments, and care continuation for personal and work related problems.